The Farm

respect and love for the land

Our Locations


Our home and main property, Alderley, is located in the beautiful Stroud Valley. It consists of 400 acres and is home to our laying hens and pastures fit for fattening cattle.


Clayhill is our main cattle breeding property, with 500 acres of land ranging from flats to undulating hills. This property provides an abundant amount of land for the cattle.

Stoney Creek

Stoney Creek is where some of the breeding herd reside and consists of 120 acres of rivers flats and undulating hills.

love for the land


Around 30 mins drive from the home base at Alderley are our main cattle breeding properties Clayhill and Stoney Creek. These properties consist of over 600 acres of open grazing land, ranging from gently undulating hills to creek flats on which our cows and calves graze freely. We also lease Booral Farm which is 130 acres located on the beautiful Karuah River. This is where we keep our replacement heifers and younger animals, allowing them the perfect environment to grow and fatten.

Most of our time is taken up tending to the chickens at Alderley, but as time goes by we are spending more time at our cattle properties. We use the chicken manure from Alderley on all of our properties and this fits well with our synthetic fertiliser free and spray free clean methodology.

sustainable quality food

Our Philosophy

The family are passionate about sustainable farming, believing it is important to return to many of the old ways of farming, including using no inputs of overproduced chemical fertilisers. The environment around us is extremely important and it is up to the farmers of today to produce sustainable quality food with little impact to our environment.

This philosophy flows into family life as well, we all enjoy a reasonably stress free life, breathing in the fresh unpolluted air and making good use of the open spaces. We help where we can to protect our environment, limiting the use of plastic in the household and avoid buying over packaged goods.

love for the land

What's happening on the farm

In mid 2018, in conjunction with the local Lands Department, we embarked on a project to ensure we maximise the quality of the water that runs off our property and into the local river catchment. This project included strategic fencing of lower lying areas of the property and installing pipes in high cattle traffic areas.

The result of this work was the creation of a large water run off corridor being fenced. This ensures that vegetation levels can be regulated through strategic grazing and ensure that sediment runoff is kept to a minimum. This corridor (being the lower lying section of the property) can remain quite wet at times and these fences allow grazing to be restricted during wet periods to avoid vegetation and soil damage. These small changes have a massive impact on the environment and the advantages will be seen over the coming years. We intend to work closely with the local Lands Department, as our father did many years ago when he was working as a member of the Water Catchment Council for the area.

On the farm

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